Carbon Copies

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Carbon Copies

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Carbon Copies are identified in the Carbon Copy table, which is accessible from the Report Data Screen or from the three Editors, ChartNet, M*Modal, and Concord, with the shortcut F9. Identifying Carbon Copy recipients with your job tells ChartNet to distribute job copies by fax, email, or to a printer. ChartNet may even print an envelope or an address label, if your account requires it.


When identifying a Carbon Copy, you may use the Address Table or free-type a name and address. It is recommended to always use the Address Table to ensure consistency and accuracy in spelling. To remove a Carbon Copy recipient, simply delete it or use the Clear selection available in the Carbon Copies table.


When printing reports, ChartNet will automatically place the list of Carbon Copy recipients in the appropriate location of your document. There is no need to manually insert the list of Carbon Copies to your job when reviewing or transcribing. You only need to identify Carbon Copies in the Carbon Copies table.