Insert Incomplete Marker

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Insert Incomplete Marker

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Inserting an Incomplete Marker identifies the location of the audio at the time of insertion. For this reason, it is important to insert Incomplete Markers as encountered while listening to the audio playback. For example, if you have finished transcribing a job that is 1 minute and 46 seconds long and return to the middle of the report to insert an Incomplete Marker before submitting it, the marker will denote 00:01:46, which is where playback was last stopped.

Insert an Incomplete Marker

When encountering part of the dictation that cannot be transcribed, navigate to Insert --> Incomplete Marker or use the shortcut CTRL+G to insert an Incomplete Marker. The marker will insert at your current cursor location and will include the current audio location. In the example below, the marker denotes the incomplete dictation at audio location 2 minutes and 46 seconds.

Below are examples on Incomplete Markers for all three Editors.


An Incomplete Marker as shown in the ChartNet Editor



An Incomplete Marker as shown in the M*Modal Editor



An Incomplete Marker as shown in the Concord Editor