ExpandType Maintenance

Navigation:  User Configuration > ExpandType > Add Entries to ExpandType >

ExpandType Maintenance

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The ExpandType Maintenance window is accessible from both the ChartNet and M*Modal Editors, as well as the CharNet Client Console main window. Your may open ExpandType Maintenance at any time while transcribing, editing, or reviewing to add or edit entries in your macro library.

Steps to Add Entries in ExpandType Maintenance

1.From the main ChartNet Client Console window, navigate to User --> ExpandType Maintenance. Additionally, you may access ExpandType from either the ChartNet or M*Modal Editors.



Access ExpandType from the sidebar options of both the ChartNet and M*Modal Editors


2.Click New in the ExpandType Maintenance window.



Click New from the ExpandType Maintenance Window


3.The Abbreviation Editor window will open. Choose the Abbreviation you wish to add and its group code, if necessary.



Select the Abbreviation and Group Code, if required


4.Type the text your Abbreviation will expand into using the Abbreviation Editor.



Type the text your macro will expand into


5.You may wish to format the text using the options located under the file menus in the ExpandType Maintenance editor. These options include tables, paragraph formatting, etc.

Note that some of the formatting applied in ExpandType will be removed when working with the M*Modal Editor. This includes indentation, paragraph spacing, etc. Expanders only retain their full formatting when inserted into the ChartNet Editor.



Format your entry using the options available in the Abbreviation Editor


6.Once you have completed your ExpandType entry, click Save or use the shortcut F10.



Click Save or use the shortcut F10 to save your new ExpandType entry


7.Your ExpandType entry will now appear in your ExpandType library.



Your entry now appears in your ExpandType library