New Features
13341 - Dictation Received Date and Time fields to be adjusted for the time zone of the facility: Added Timezone variables - RECVDTTZ and RECVTMTX:
13327 - Added British Date formats: Client knows to use US or British based on the computer Region/Location. This is also in Web Portal build:
13397 - Tell Remote Upload and Remote Distrib to shutdown if site is Inactive or Excluded: If the site be requested is Inactive or on the Exclude Site list, MTREQSVR will send a message for the MTREMOTE and MTREMDIST to shutdown. NOTE:New Remote apps and MTREQSVR is required.
13358 - Allow Redirection of Web Portal Log files to MTREQSVR: In certain cases, it is better if the logs are written by the MTREQSVR instead of the Web Portal. ( or greater is needed)
13301 - WMA/MP3 are missing dictation date/time: Voice Import will use the File date for Dictation Date:
Bug Fixes
13358 - Site Users for Inactive Sites can still login to Web Portal: This has been corrected.
13371 - Rendered Concord Documents put 2 spaces after "Dr.": Concord Rendering fix for "Dr." has been corrected to a single space.
13357 - Audio Type error when trying to send job to VR: The fix is forcing Mobile Imports to be WAV and 8000 sample rate. The issue occurred when converting "Appended" Mobile Files.
13334 - Error when trying to change a cc name: The error has been fixed when changing a CC name in MTClient.