New Features
13493 - Add Doctor fields to Voice import mapping: This will allow you to map any field from the DOCTOR table to the VOICE table in Voice Import. The Misc tab of the Voice Import has the field required to use this called "Provider to Voice Mapping". The usage is: "PROVIDERFIELD ; VOICEFIELD"
13492 - Add Spellcheck to auditing: Spellcheck has been added to the Auditing screen.
13497 - Add Deleted reports to the Voice Search 'ALL': When doing Voice Searches for the Status 'ALL', Deleted reports will now show in the results. This is for Voice and VoiceArchive in the Ad Hoc grid and Voice Manager.
Bug Fixes
13476 - Do not send a HL7-A31 message to ChartVox Server: The HL7 message, A31, is a patient update message and does not need to be sent to ChartVox Server. Too many A31 updates can cause the ChartVox server import to slow down.