** This build requires a database restructure of the REPINDEX table. **
New Features
13524 - Add DICTLEN to RepIndex table and to Ad Hoc Grid: The Voice field, DICTLEN was added to the RepIndex table. The field is also displayed in the Ad Hoc grid. This Requires the Restructure of the REPINDEX table.
13523 - Export Provider record to ChartVox server: In System Setup-Providers, a button was added to the Main tab of the provider called "Export to ChartVox Server". By clicking on this button, ChartNet will export the file to the location specified in the System Setup-Sites, misc tab in the CVOX Options section.
13531 - Export MPI record to ChartVox server: In System Setup-MPI, a button was added to the Main tab of the MPI called "Export to ChartVox Server". By clicking on this button, ChartNet will export the file to the location specified in the System Setup-Sites, misc tab in the CVOX Options section.
13493 - Provider field to voice table mapping in MTVIMP: The mapping will be in the following format - "PROVIDERFIELD ; VOICEFIELD". The PROVIDERFIELD will be the doctor table field to retrieve and the VOICEFIELD is the Voice table field to place the value into. For example, DEPARTMENT;LOCATION. This will take the value from the Doctor.Department field and place the value in the Voice.Location field.
13500 - MTALERT allow the use Ports when sending alerts: MTALERT can use different ports when sending Email Alerts to Admin. This is done in the MTLAERT configuration, similar to MTMAILNS configuration.
13501 - User restricted to own user reports when running reports from F5 menu: Restricting the user to their own reports is as it was designed in ticket 6707. The wording was changed from "Report Catalog Restrictions" with an answer of "SCRIBE" to "Restrict User ID" with an answer of "YES". NOTE: Both SCRIBE and YES will work. SCRIBE is there for existing installs that already utilize this feature.
13497 - Add Deleted reports to Voice Search ALL: Voice Manager and Ad Hoc Grid search will include RD status for Voice and Voice Archive searches.
13521 - Added the field DICT_DATE to the statistical report, V000X.
Bug Fixes
13583 - Notes are not saved in System Setup-Sys: When saving a Note in the SYS table of System Setup, the Note is not saved, if it is the only changed made. This has been corrected and will save the Note if it is the only change made.