RDS Options

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RDS Options

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The Report Data Screen (RDS) allows users to access many tables and job functions within ChartNet. Some of these functions are also accessible from the main window and file menus of  the ChartNet, Concord and AME Editors.


Below is a description of the functions accessible from the Report Data Screen.


The Report Data Screen




The Report Data Screen (RDS) for ChartNet Editor and M*Modal Editor




The Report Data Screen (RDS) for Concord Editor



Buttons on the RDS screen for ChartNet and AME.


Save and Exit

Get Dictation:

Populates the RDS with information from the voice file.

*  Master Search:

Access the Master Patient Index

CC List:

Identify carbon copy recipients

Change Form Type:

Change job worktype (form type)


Review instructions

Report Notes:

Add internal, customer, or QA notes to your job


Cancel changes and return to the main editor window


Check this box to change the priority.


Check this box if the job is a draft


* this is the only button on the Concord screen, the rest of the options are available through the menu at the top of the screen.