RDS Fields

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RDS Fields

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The Report Data Screen (RDS) contains information regarding the document and patient, such as job number, patient name and visit date. The information contained in the RDS will vary by account and work type. Some of the most commonly used data fields are described below. Your account and work type settings will decide the fields contained in the RDS for your job.


In the example below, the fields Dictating Physician, Attending Physician, Medical Record Numberand Account Number are look up fields, as denoted by (F1) following the field description. These fields are also in bold text, meaning they are required. You may not submit your job without completing all required fields.


Report Data Screen Fields



The Report Data Screen (RDS) for ChartNet Editor and M*Modal Editor




The Report Data Screen (RDS) for Concord



ChartNet Job Number:

Number assigned by the ChartNet server

Original Job Number:

Number assigned by original source

Dictating physician:

The dictating physician's ID

Dictation date:

The date the job was dictated

Dictation time:

The time the job was dictated

Patient name:

The name of the patient

Attending physician:

The attending physician's ID

Service date:

The date of service; often the visit date

Medical record number:

The patient's medical record number

Account number:

The patient's account number

Admit date:

The date of the patient's admission