User Reports

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User Reports

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Daily transcription and activity reports are available from the main ChartNet Client Console window. These reports will summarize the number of reports and lines you have transcribed, edited, and/or reviewed. Reports may be run over any period of days or weeks, but keep in mind the more data you are analyzing, the longer it will take for the report to run.


Reports are displayed in Microsoft Word. You may print or save reports from Microsoft Word.


The two reports available to monitor your line and report counts are :


Daily Activity Log

Daily Transcription Log

Transcriptions by Site Summary


Each report includes different information separated into columns. Reference Column Headings to learn more about the information included in these reports.


Note that jobs are considered transcribed or edited on the date they were completed and returned to the ChartNet server. A job downloaded prior to but submitted after midnight will be considered a job completed the following day. For example, if you begin a job at 11:55pm on February 2nd and submit it at 12:01 on February 3rd, the lines for the job will only be included in reports for which the FROM and TO dates include February 3rd.