Abort Review Job

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Abort Review Job

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If you must exit your job without completing it, you may Abort the job. Any work completed on the job will be lost. The job will only return to its workpool for reassignment if it is returned. See Return Review Jobs to learn more.

Steps to Abort a Review Job

1.Select Exit from either the ChartNet, Concord, or M*Modal Editors.



Click Exit to abort your current job


2.An Alert! window will appear. Confirm you wish to Abort the job.

If you have chosen Exit by mistake, click Cancel to return to your job.



Click Abort to exit your job



3.You will return to the Report Options window. Select Exit to exit the job and return to the Review Reports module.



Click on Exit to Return to the Review Reports module


4.Return Jobs to return your aborted review job to the server for reassignment. You may now safely exit the Review Module and ChartNet.