Return Review Jobs

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Return Review Jobs

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When you are finished reviewing and wish to return to the main ChartNet Client window, it is best to return all incomplete jobs in your queue. You will not be able to logout of ChartNet without returning your incomplete jobs.


Failure to return jobs risk jeopardizing the turn-around-time objective of the job. If a job is close to its turn-around-time and you are not actively working on the job, the job may automatically return to the ChartNet server and be reassigned to another MT. Any work you have done on the job will be lost.


Make certain to always return your jobs if you plan on being inactive for a period of time (such as greater than 15 minutes).


Steps to Return Review Jobs

1.Complete and submit your current review job. You will return to the Review module. Do not select a new job.

2.Cick on Return Reports or press the F10 key to return all jobs back to the main server.



Select Return Reports (F10) to send incomplete jobs back to the ChartNet Server


3.Once your jobs have returned to the ChartNet server and your review queue is empty, select Exit to return to the main ChartNet Client window.



Select Exit to return to the main ChartNet Client window