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When working in the M*Modal Editor, you have the option to leave either an Incomplete Marker or a Bookmark in your report when encountering any part of the dictation that cannot be transcribed. The Incomplete Marker can be used instead of inserting blanks (_____) to the document, while a Bookmark is used to leave comments or questions.


A Bookmark appears as normal text highlighted in yellow. This text will not appear in the final, rendered document. Bookmarks are only visible in the M*Modal Editor.


When inserting a Bookmark, you will be prompted for the text of the Bookmark. You may type any comments or questions into the text for QA to read. Bookmarks are used instead of Report Notes when the MT requires specifying a certain point in the report, rather than a generalized question or comment.



A Bookmark as shown in the M*Modal Editor


You may insert as many Bookmarks as required, although it is recommended to add an Internal Note to your report to explain a significant number of Bookmarks. Your manager will explain the proper procedure for inserting Bookmarks.