Distrib Manager (F9)

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Distrib Manager (F9)

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Distribution manager is a used to review documents that are either waiting to be distributed (Distribution Pending Status) or documents that have been delivered.  This is a useful screen to check status of documents on “Distribution Pending” status to review errors. 




The grid will show a record for each document and distribution (one document could have many distributions).  When document are in an error status, they can be sent back to waiting to retry the distribution.  If the document continues to receive distribution errors, the error must be reviewed and corrected.  This usually points to a problem with the device being distributed to.




This management screen will display relevant information about the document selected in the grid including the following information:



Dist Report

Data in this list will show information about the document selected.

Job #

Cnet Job number

Orig Job#

Original Job Number

Trans Date

Date of Transcription

Trans Time

Time of Transcription

Rept Type

Report Type (Form) code

Account #

Account number of the document


MRN number of the document


Subject / Patient name of the document

Report Key

Report Key of the document 

Distribution Device

Data in this group will show information about the device being
distributed to for the job selected.


Current Distribution status of the document. 


Site number of the document

Device Code

Device code the document is set to be delivered to


Displays the location type of the device H = Host R=Remote

Address Code

The Address Code for cc distribution


Data in this group will show information about the dates
the document was sent to distribution.

Filed Date

Date the document was sent to distribution

Filed Time

Time the document was sent to distribution

Completed Date

Date the distribution was completed

Completed Time

Time the distribution was completed

Last Error

Data in the group will show information about any
errors in distribution for that document.

Error Date

Date of the last error during distribution (will reset when set to waiting)

Error Time

Time of the last error during distribution (will reset when set to waiting)

Error Message

Last error message generated



Grid Colum definitions


File Date

Date the document was originally sent to distribution

File Time

Time the document was originally sent to distribution


Current distribution status of document – Error or Waiting


Site number of the document

Job #

Cnet Job Number

Orig Job#$

Original Job Number

Trans Time

Transcription time of the document

Patient Name

Patient Name

Trans Date

Date of transcription


Document type


Provider ID

Dev Code

Device code the document is set to be delivered to


Displays the location type of the device H = Host R=Remote

Addr Code

The Address Code for cc distribution

Error Date

Date of the last error during distribution (will reset when set to waiting)

Error Time

Time of the last error during distribution (will reset when set to waiting)

Error Message

Last error message generated



File Menu



Brings up the standard search menu.  Use this to search for documents that are waiting for distribution or documents that have been distributed


Refreshes the grid

Reset Grid (Shift+Ctrl+Z)

Rest the grid to default settings

Change Status

Change the selected row(s) to a different status

Change to waiting

Change the selected row(s) to waiting




Right Click Menu



Brings up the standard search menu.  Use this to search for documents that are waiting for distribution or documents that have been distributed


Refreshes the grid

Change Status

Change the selected row(s) to a different status

Change to waiting

Change the selected row(s) to waiting






Document is waiting to be distributed.  The document is either waiting for a remote server to retrieve the document for distribution (HL7 or remote printing)


Document is on hold for distribution.


The distribution has been completed


The distribution record has been deleted