Feedback Report

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Feedback Report

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Feedback Reports are production jobs reviewed and returned to you by QA. Additions made by QA are highlighted in green, while deletions are marked in red. Important notes or comments may also be included in a Feedback Report. It is important that you regularly review your Feedback Reports to ensure quality and consistency.


Points are not deducted in Feedback Reports and have no influence on your audit score.


Understanding a Feedback Report

An Feedback Report is shown in the image below. Several items are highlighted in the image. Refer to the chart below for a description of each item.


Click here to view the image full screen.







Feedback Report


Information presented with a feedback report. Refer to Column Headings.


There is no Error Summary associated with a feedback report.


Additions made by QA are highlighted in green. Deletions are highlighted in red.


Notes and Comments are included at the bottom of the job.


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