Columns on the grid can be moved by holding down your right mouse button and dragging the column to where you would like it. Columns can also be made smaller or larger by holding your right mouse button down on the line between the columns and dragging to the desired width. You can also sort columns by any header by dragging the column you wish to sort by into the dark blue area at the top. You can also sort the search results by clicking on the heading in the grid that you want to sort by. For example, to sort by provider, click on the provider column. Any grid changes you make will be maintained the next time you go into Document Search.
Description of Column Headings Default View (untyped):
N: Will display an asterisk if there is a note
JOB: The ChartNet job number
ORIG JOB: Original job number
SITE: Site code
SITE GROUP: Site group name if defined.
ACCOUNT MGR: The account manager for the voice file.
STATUS: Current status of the voice file.
PRIORITY: Normal, Stat or High priority
REV QUEUE: The current review queue that the document for the voice file is in.
PROVIDER: The dictator's provider code,
AUTHOR ID: The dictator's author code.
AUTHOR NAME: The dictator's name.
CHKOUT LOGIN ID: The user's login ID that the voice job is checked out to.
CHKOUT USER: The scribe code that the voice job is checked out to.
CHKOUT DATE: The date the voice file was checked out.
CHKOUT TIME: The time the voice file was checked out.
PLAY DATE: The date the checked out voice file was played.
PLAY TIME: The time the checked out voice file was played.
TRANS DATE: The date transcription was completed.
TRANS TIME: The time transcription was completed.
MT: The user who transcribed the voice file.
DICT DATE: The date of the dictation.
DICT TIME: The time of dictation.
LENGTH: The length of the voice file in hours, minutes and seconds.
WORK TYPE: The work type code.
REPORT TYPE: The report type name.
RECV DATE: The date the voice file was received.
RECV TIME: The time the voice file was received.
DUE DATE: The date the transcribed document is due based on the turnaround time configured.
DUE TIME: The time the transcribed document is due based on the turnaround time configured.
DUE IN: The number of hours before the transcribed document is due.
SERV CTR: The service center that the voice job is assigned to.
ASSIGNED: The user that the voice job is assigned to.
SUBJECT: The subject ID. This can be the account number, medical record number or order number.
PATIENT ID: This is an additional patient identifier. This could be the account number, medical record number or order number.
USER1-USER4: Additional fields for patient information.
IMPORT FILENAME: The name of the file that was imported in.
Additional Column Headings - Voice Rec View:
VR STATUS: The voice recognition status for the voice file - Submitted, Processed, Scheduled, Failed or Quality Failure.
VR STATUS DATE: The date of the last status check.
VR STATUS TIME: The time of the last status check.
Q-SCORE: The author's quality score.
Additional Column Headings - Groups View:
GROUP: The name of the group the voice file is in.