Make Hidden Text Visible

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Make Hidden Text Visible

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There may be cases where you would like to display, or 'un-hide,' the Hidden Text. Follow the steps below to turn the Hidden Text into normal text.

Steps to Make Hidden Text Visible

1.The Hidden Text may accidentally include the document's first section title or the beginning of the first section. Identify the first section title, or type it into the Hidden Text.

2.Use the shortcuts CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW keys to select the section title from within the Hidden Text.




Select the section title in the Hidden Text


3.Turn your selection into a section title with the shortcut CTRL+N.

4.Your section title, as well as the text to the right of it, are now normal text and will appear in the final document. Edit and verify this text for accuracy, along with the rest of the draft document.




The new section title will appear as normal text in your document