Site Productivity

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Site Productivity

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Site Manager allows a user to see specific information for a site or all sites.  Site Manager displays information about a specific site or All sites. The information is displayed in the bottom part of the application.




When you first go into Site Manager, it will display All Sites sorted by Site Code.




You can use the filters on the left to narrow the results shown. You can also click on a field header to sort and the "funnel" to narrow the results even more.




You can either right-click on the site displayed in the top grid or from the menu, Site, to select the type of information you want to display. For All sites, you can only select the options from the menu, All Sites.




The selected option will be displayed in the lower gid. You can display either for a single site or All sites.

NOTE: The ALL Sites option will display for ALL sites in the ChartNet system regardless of what you have filtered in the top grid.


List All Checked-out Jobs:



SITE:  Site code

PRIORITY:  1 - High, 2 - Stat, 3 - Normal

CHKOUTDATE:  The date the voice file was checked out.

CHKOUTTIME:  The time the voice file was checked out.

CHKOUTUSER:  The typist that has the voice job checked out

CNETJOB:  The ChartNet job number

ORIGJOB:  The original job number

DOCTOR:  The provider that dictated the job

WORKTYPE:  The numeric work type

REPTTYPE:  The form code

DICTLEN:  The length of the voice file in seconds

TURNGOAL:  The configured turn around time

DUEDATE:  The date the document is due

DUETIME:  The time the document is due


List all Untyped Jobs:



SITE:  Site code

PRIORITY:  1 - High, 2 - Stat, 3 - Normal

DUEDATE:  The date the document is due

DUETIME:  The time the document is due

TURNGOAL:  The configured turn around time

STATUSDESC:  Description of the status of the voice file

REVQUEUE:  Review queue

CHKOUTDATE:  The date the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTTIME:  The time the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTUSER:  The typist who has the voice file checked out.

CNETJOB:  The ChartNet job number

ORIGJOB:  The original job number

DOCTOR:  The provider that dictated the job

WORKTYPE:  The numeric work type

REPTTYPE:  The form code

DICTLEN:  The length of the voice file in seconds


List all Undelivered Jobs:



SITE:  Site code

PRIORITY:  1 - High, 2 - Stat, 3 - Normal

DUEDATE:  The date the document is due

DUETIME:  The time the document is due

TURNGOAL:  The configured turn around time

STATUSDESC:  Description of the status of the voice file

REVQUEUE:  Review queue

CHKOUTDATE:  The date the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTTIME:  The time the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTUSER:  The typist who has the voice file checked out.

CNETJOB:  The ChartNet job number

ORIGJOB:  The original job number

DOCTOR:  The provider that dictated the job

WORKTYPE:  The numeric work type

REPTTYPE:  The form code

DICTLEN:  The length of the voice file in seconds


List Undelivered Jobs Nearing TAT



SITE:  Site code

PRIORITY:  1 - High, 2 - Stat, 3 - Normal

DUEDATE:  The date the document is due

DUETIME:  The time the document is due

TURNGOAL:  The configured turn around time

STATUSDESC:  Description of the status of the voice file

REVQUEUE:  Review queue

CHKOUTDATE:  The date the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTTIME:  The time the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTUSER:  The typist who has the voice file checked out.

CNETJOB:  The ChartNet job number

ORIGJOB:  The original job number

DOCTOR:  The provider that dictated the job

WORKTYPE:  The numeric work type

REPTTYPE:  The form code

DICTLEN:  The length of the voice file in seconds


List Undelivered Jobs Past TAT



SITE:  Site code

PRIORITY:  1 - High, 2 - Stat, 3 - Normal

DUEDATE:  The date the document is due

DUETIME:  The time the document is due

TURNGOAL:  The configured turn around time

STATUSDESC:  Description of the status of the voice file

REVQUEUE:  Review queue

CHKOUTDATE:  The date the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTTIME:  The time the voice file was checked out

CHKOUTUSER:  The typist who has the voice file checked out.

CNETJOB:  The ChartNet job number

ORIGJOB:  The original job number

DOCTOR:  The provider that dictated the job

WORKTYPE:  The numeric work type

REPTTYPE:  The form code

DICTLEN:  The length of the voice file in seconds


Summary of Untyped Jobs Grouped by Due Date Category



SITE:  Site code

DUERANGE:  The range in hours before the document is due

REPORTS:  The number of voice files in that due range


Summary of Undelivered Jobs Grouped by Due Date Category



SITE:  Site code

DUERANGE:  The range in hours before the document is due

REPORTS:  The number of voice files in that due range


Summary of Undelivered Jobs Grouped by Status



SITE:  Site code

STATUSDESC:  Description of the status

REVQUEUE:  Review queue

REPORTS:  The number of reports in that status.



The data returned will be grouped by the time frame selection and the turnaround time goal for each document type.


TAT Trends



TIME FRAME:  Either daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly

FROM DATE:  When running daily, this will be the date.  When running weekly, biweekly or monthly, this will be the start date

TO DATE:  Shows up when running weekly, biweekly or monthly.

DAY:  Day of the week

TURNGOAL:  Configured turnaround time

DOCUMENTS:  The number of documents

TAT AVG:  The average of the turnaround time for every document displayed in decimal hours

TAT PERCENTAGE:  The percentage of reports completed within turnaround time.

UNDER TAT:  Under turnaround time documents

UNDER TAT AVG:  The average of the turnaround time for the under turnaround time documents in decimal hours

OVER TAT:  The number of documents over turnaround time

OVER TAT AVG:  The average of the turnaround time for the over turnaround time documents in decimal hours


Jobs Received Trends



TIME FRAME:  Either daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly

FROM DATE:  When running daily, this will be the date.  When running weekly, biweekly or monthly, this will be the start date

TO DATE:  Shows up when running weekly, biweekly or monthly.

DAY:  Day of the week

DAY:  Day of the week

HOUR:  Time of day

DOCUMENTS:  The number of documents completed

LENGTH:  The length of the voice file.