Voice Client Menu Options

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Voice Client Menu Options

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There are many options available in the ChartNet Voice Client. Most functions are also available from the Transcribe and Review windows.


Listed below are the menu options available in the ChartNet Voice Client.





Foot pedal Settings

Reset Grid Columns


Return grid columns to original size


Exit Voice Client



Request Jobs (default method)


Request jobs using default method

Request Jobs Using Work Pool


Request jobs from work pool

Request Jobs using Current Filter


Request jobs with current filter setting

Request Jobs using New Filter


Request jobs with a new filter

Change Work Pool:

Change work  pool

Change Request Method to Filter:

Request with filter



Load Job in Player:

Load audio in Voice Player

Unload Job from Player:

Remove audio from Voice Player

Playback Toggle


Play/Stop audio

Job Properties


View job properties

Job Complete


Mark job complete

Job Incomplete


Mark job incomplete

Job Complete/Load Next Job


Mark job complete and load next job in player.

Job Delivered/Load Next Job


Mark job delivered (use this option if you are using ChartNet for voice only).

Return Job:

Return job to server

Return All Jobs:

Return all jobs to server

Return All Completed Jobs:

Return all jobs marked complete




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