Change Review Work Pool

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Change Review Work Pool

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When reviewing, you will download jobs from a default, or primary, work pool. In addition to your primary work pool, you may have one or multiple secondary work pools. Your primary and secondary work pools may vary between transcription and review.


If your primary work pool is empty, you will need to change to another work pool in order to download additional jobs. You may also wish to change your work pool in order to complete work from your secondary work pool(s).

Steps to Change Review Work Pool

1. Return current jobs, if applicable. See Return Review Jobs for instructions.

2. From the main Review window, select the drop-down menu labeled Work Pool and select the work pool from which you would like to request jobs. The image below shows the Work Pool drop-down as seen in the Review module.



Change your Work Pool from the drop-down menu labeled Work Pool


3. After changing your work pool, select Request Jobs to download jobs from the new work pool. See Request Review Jobs to learn more.