Playback Highlighter

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Playback Highlighter

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The Playback Highlighter highlights each word as it is spoken by the physician and carries the text cursor for you. Highlighting each word for you as it is spoken helps make reading easier. Carrying the text cursor for you makes the cursor available when you encounter an edit, limiting the amount of navigation you must do from the keyboard. Efficient use of the Playback Highlighter will decrease physical and visual strain when editing draft documents.


In addition to carrying the text cursor for you, the Playback Highlighter functionality allows you to begin playback on any specific word in your draft document. This is useful when you encounter a difficult dictation passage and wish to loop the audio multiple times to ensure you have understood the dictation.


The Highlighter and cursor are attached when the Highlighter appears blue. The Highlighter and cursor are detached when the Highlighter appears purple. This color coding makes it easy to quickly find your text cursor.



The Playback Highlighter appears blue when attached to the text cursor




The Playback Highlighter appears purple when detached from the text cursor



Note that the Playback Highlighter is only available when editing draft documents in the M*Modal Editor. It is not available when transcribing in the M*Modal Editor and is never available in the ChartNet Editor.


Refer to the AnyModal Training module to practice using the Playback Highlighter efficiently!