Using the Playback Highlighter

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Using the Playback Highlighter

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The Playback Highlighter is controlled using the shortcuts CTRL+F12 and CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Any keystroke will detach the text cursor from the Highlighter. Be careful! Typing while the Playback Highlighter is attached to the cursor will delete the word or phrased currently highlighted.


It is a best practice to always detach your cursor from the Highlighter before making an edit.

Attach/Detach Text Cursor & Playback Highlighter

1.If your Highlighter is blue, it is attached to your text cursor. To separate the text cursor from the Highlighter, use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys.

The LEFT ARROW will move your text cursor to the left of the word currently highlighted.

The RIGHT ARROW will move your text cursor to the right of the word currently highlighted.



Use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys to separate the Highlighter from the cursor



2.If your Highlighter is purple, use the shortcut CTRL+F12 to reattach it to the text cursor. This method will move the text cursor to the Highlighter.



Use CTRL+F12 to attached the Highlighter to the cursor