Playback Precision

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Playback Precision

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In addition to carrying the text cursor for you, the Playback Highlighter also allows you to begin playback on any specific word in a draft document. This can replace the need to rewind or fast forward with your footpedal.

Control Playback with the Playback Highlighter

1.Separate your cursor from the Highlighter. To separate the text cursor from the Highlighter, use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys.

The LEFT ARROW will move your text cursor to the left of the word currently highlighted.

The RIGHT ARROW will move your text cursor to the right of the word currently highlighted.



Your cursor must be separated from your Highlighter to use Playback Precision



2.Move your cursor to the location you wish to rewind or fast forward playback. Note that the cursor in the image below has been moved to the phrase 'No focal neurologic symptoms.'




Your cursor must be separated from your Highlighter to use Playback Precision



3.Use the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F12 to move the Highlighter and the audio to your current cursor position.


If the audio is playing, it will move instantly to the word to the left of your cursor position. Note that the Highlighter moves to the phrase 'No focal neurologic symptoms.'



Use CTRL+SHIFT+F12 to move the audio to your current cursor location



4.If your audio is not playing, press play using your footpedal or the shortcut F12. The audio will begin at the word to the left of your current cursor location.